Thursday, 4 June 2015


When in Paris, with beautiful picturesque backdrops, landmarks a plenty and photo-ops galore, I'll admit - I envisioned a multitude of outfit pictures stored on the ol' Nikon to share with you that would have made me feel pretty wonderful. Alas, it's much easier being on the other side of the camera - for both parties involved - when one is confident snapping the world and the other can't figure the angles and shots because they haven't seen the photographs you have, doesn't understand DSLR's and fascinating blogger shots (that' not a slight on you, mum, promise!).

However, I still came away with a few pictures of 3 different outfits from my little Paree jaunt.

I went on such a shopping spree (okay, I went on a few) before the trip, especially when Topshop were offering students 20% off, how could I ever resist? Their skirts have been so divine lately and I've been really feeling them this spring/summer, so I've been on the hunt for some faves. Plus, how cute is my bargain yellow H&M Jacket?!
Whilst my Converse aren't my most stylish shoes, comfort is key when walking for miles each day - they were an absolute godsend. And versatile!

I've also only just realised that I'm wearing the same top in all three outfits, just in different colours, oops?

What are your essential travel clothes? Share Polyvore sets, pictures and everything else with me as the social links below!

SB xo
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