Wednesday, 24 September 2014


Whilst I love pretty much everything about summer, my favourite time of year for fashion has to be Autumn/Winter, but then again what fashion enthusiast doesn't feel the same? Finding the right items can be tricky though, sometimes browsing through a store for particular items can prove to be a lot harder than first thought, I think this in pretty much every store I walk into and then as I'm leaving with empty hands. Or perhaps you find the right style of garment but the colour is just a shade on the wrong side, taking something potentially must-have season worthy, to I think I'll leave everyone else to style that terribly. It feels like a constant stream of are my pyjamas suitable to wear in public?

The answer unfortunately is no. Those fleeced teddy bear pj's should not be seen outside of the house, but you can still be comfortable or you can still find something you love without breaking the bank.

If you're having troubles with what to wear this A/W or you're simply curious what I'm loving on the High Street this season, then see my top picks below.

River Island

New Look

Miss Selfridge

Ladies and gentleman, the monochrome queen is back.

Stay amazing xox

P.S. Comment with links to your wishlists, I'd love to see them!

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  1. This is such an amazing wish list! I'm so glad I found your blog! H&M and River Island seem to have some great bits. I'm terrible at dressing for this time of year so this is really going to help me!

    Thanks for sending over your link VIB! ;)



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