Tuesday, 7 January 2014


This weeks trendsetter comes in the form of Julie Sariñana (after an elusive game of ‘ibble obble chocolate bobble‘ in Photography class), more commonly known in the fashion and blogisphere as Sincerely, Jules. 

I remember back in 2011 when I started to frequent Instagram again, I found Jules’ account, and despite having no clue who she was, I proceeded to follow her for her pretty posts and fashion ideas. It was only earlier last year that I realised she was a well known style blogger. 

It would appear that I’ve always been clued in, eh?

What I adore about Julie’s style is how divinely flawless it is, she can work the most casual look in a way I haven’t seen before. She rocks a leather dress and Nike trainers for Pete’s sake!

Since starting this blog, I have started to stalk  follow other bloggers very closely to see how their style varies and I feel that Jules is a great example of someone with a mixed style. This Zara skort was a major style blogger craze over last summer and Jules was actually one of the reasons I purchased said skort but in the black colour as it was a versatile piece to dress up or dress down. I haven’t found anything yet that it doesn't go with. 

Her style is so diverse but cute and quirky, she seems to be able to make anything and everything work. I’m truly envious of her but look up to her all the same.

Stop by next week for my next favourite trendsetter.

 I’d love to hear your thoughts on whose style you love. 

SB xo

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