Thursday, 29 April 2021


In 2021, I'm trying far more to take care of myself, my skin, weight, happiness, it's so vastly important that we realise we all need a bit of TLC.

I wanted to incorporate a little bit of wellness into my nightly routine seeing as I'm usually darting around first thing in the morning just to afford myself an extra five minutes in bed. I started to think about what I needed to do and what would be beneficial to me overnight.

Therefore, my nightly routine goes a little something like this; 

So far I'm undecided whether this is having any effect however, I'm persevering. I'd probably feel a decline if I were to stop taking them now so I'm keeping on with them. Plus I feel like I'm doing something good by taking them. 

Mostly, these days, I don't wear make up because I spend 8+ hours a day wearing a mask that would melt it all off, and clog my pores up. However, I cleanse my face with St Ives Cleansing Stick (matcha green tea & ginger), dab on a small coating of Balance Vitamin C serum, and finish it off with some No 7 HydraLuminous Overnight Recovery Gel Cream to keep my face fresh hydrated until the morning.

I hate having chapped or dry lips, it's such a bane (on par with poor dry hands), so along with drinking plenty, I love to scrub my lips with Lush Bubblegum Lip Scrub and then coat them with Vaseline Rosy Lips or Burts Bees original balm.

To finish off my routine, I coat my (clean!) feet with Soap & Glory's Heel Genius to soften the skin and slip on cotton socks, and finally rub my hands with Kamill, Avon Aromatherapy Beauty Sleep or Soap & Glory Hand Food (sometimes I pop on cotton gloves to sleep in too).

What's involved in your routine and is there anything you suggest I add to mine?

S xo

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