Sunday 15 April 2018


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It's been nine long days since Polyvore shut without warning and I feel like I'm still in the early stages of mourning. I'm mourning the past nine years of my life that I spent on that website creating, and building up, a portfolio that I hoped to use for my future career.
However, things come and go, internet spaces are changing and evolving at such a rapid rate, some for better and some not so, and I guess that's part of the digital evolution. But Polyvore, and they're acquirers Ssense, definitely have a lot to answer for to their legions of fans across the world.

My journey with the moodboard production site came in the heyday of my fandom era (what do you mean I'm still in the midst of it?), the year was 2008 and I created outfits for all of my fiction protagonists because it was essential, to everyone who read my stories, that they knew what my character was wearing to the airport, for her best friends birthday, on her 3rd date during Warped Tour, you name it, I had a godawful funky outfit planned for her.

And that was the extent for a couple more years, I created simply when I needed it.

As soon as I started my early days of fashion blogging in 2013 via my Tumblr account, then titled Recessionistas (please save your praise for my ingenuity until the end), I began to share my top high street dupes for designer goods and created outfits for those on a budget or with an occasion in mind as well basing ensembles around pieces I wanted to buy in order to justify a purchase. Gotta know how to wear something if you're forking out £40 for it.

From then on I created when I was bored, relaxed, inspired or in need of doing something creative. I used my published sets on my Blog, Tumblr, Pinterest and even took a few examples to my university interview to show off a small sample of my potential. 

Saying goodbye to something that has been so constant in rather turbulent teen years is rubbish, and I'm frustrated that we weren't given proper warning (guess who made a booboo and hasn't been able to back up their work?) but I'm grateful that this was something I had growing up and that it allowed me to be creative. 

Thanks for the memories Polyvore, and if ya fancy telling Ssense to shove off and make a re-appearance? Well I say go for it, I'll still be here.
Tee - H&M (Similar 1 / 2)  //  Jeans - Topshop (Old, Similar 1 / 2) //  Belt - Primark  //  Boots - River Island (Old)

S xo
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