Sunday 25 March 2018


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I'm back again with something that is probably not a popular opinion, it that a concern of mine? Nah.

In 2016, I posted about why I think it's okay to wear/own replica designer wear, and whilst I expected a few people to kick off on me, no one really seemed interested. (A blessing in disguise or sort of disappointing?)

This time round I want to highlight the stigma surrounding publishing an outfit post compiled out of clothing that still have their price tags attached. No, I don't mean 'uh oh someone forgot to remove the label and I can still see it!!!111', I'm talking about buying clothes to feature before returning them back to their rightful store.
Don't get me wrong, I totally understand people turning their noses up at the idea (or at least to some extent), even if just for the fact it's a bit unhygienic. However, some people argue that bloggers are simply faking what they own and it's dishonest.

Here's the thing; if you're a blogger who likes to show off what they own then it's best to not buy simply to feature - that's pretty much a given, right?

But, if you're someone like me who wants to show off style more than possessions then I think it's perfectly fine. My dream job is to be a stylist, of what description I've still not decided, but fashion often doesn't come cheap and I still want to show off my styling potential.

Just recently I was advised in a lecture to buy clothing just for a photoshoot and then return it. By an industry stylist. Yeah.

So, I've decided this is the way I'm to go about it if I can't afford something I really what to show y'all. I fully promise to disclose this in my posts if/when I have only purchased for a post. (With that being said, I do own everything in the above outfit)
Pinafore - Primark (Similar)  //  Blouse - Alex Chung x Marks & Spencer  //  Jacket - Forever 21  //   Hat - H&M (Similar)  //  Shoes - Vans  //  Earrings - Primark
Maybe it's time to move forward and stop being afraid of people having a negative opinion of us for doing what we want :)

I'd love to know your thoughts on this so please let me know in the comments or via Twitter.

S xo
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Photography: Lynne Ball (my mama)

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