A couple of weeks back, a friend of mine was debating whether to buy a hat she had fallen in love with from Topshop, after a lengthy discussion, we decided she should go for it. Who doesn't love a fabulous oversized hat for summer?
The situation had me thinking over my lack of hats, and yes I call 1 single one in my collection a lack of them. My problem is how uncomfortable I feel wearing them, no not because they itch my head or give me hat hair on a great hair day, but simply because I feel awkward, to be honest I think I look a little silly.
So, said friend suggested I make a post on how to style them, because that's another issue I encounter.
If you're like me and feeling stuck, then read on, because this isn't just to help you in the summer months, it's very helpful all year round!

How do you like to style hats? Do you love donning them at every available opportunity or are you like me and shy away from them?
Stay amazing xox

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