Friday 30 August 2019


[Some links in this post re-direct to Spotify for listening, but all are also available for listening on Apple Music and possibly other streaming sites too)

The only thing that really makes my day tick over - aside from excessive amounts of breakfast tea - is a good podcast and some fresh air.

Over the years I've not really been a big podcast listener, I didn't know what was out there, what I wanted to listen to or learn about, or what I was interested in enough to focus my attention on. However, aside from the occasional one over the past few years, I really started to getting into them when two members of my favourite band started recording their own one. I was fascinated and loved hearing stories from other band members they'd toured with, tech crew that travelled the world with them, or anyone they knew in the industry.

That quickly became my go-to listening when doing laundry at uni (I really advise it, especially when you're not up for talking to strangers in the laundry room).

Since then, I pop on a podcast when I'm out walking, travelling, cooking, relaxing - there's virtually no bad time to do it, well not unless you're having to solely focus on something else because I can't tell you how many episodes I've had to re-listen to because I've missed a whole chunk.

My new found love of podcasts has prompted a little series that I intend to share with y'all every other month - there will be a mix of new shows I've been listening to and focuses on particular ones with a selection of recommended episodes that are well worth a listen.

To kickstart this, July & August's favourites are as follows; 

Since my first trip to MCM Comic Con back in May, I've become hooked on the TV show Supernatural - I'm at least ten years late to the party, I know. So when I stumbled across The Wayward Podcast last week, I knew I'd hit the jackpot. Hosted by the two bad ass female Sheriff's in SPN - Kim Rhodes & Briana Buckmaster - this podcast really made me stop and think about my own life, habits, mental state, health etc. It's the perfect show for ladies to immerse themselves in, they're non-time consuming episodes but Kim & Briana really shed a lot of light on a number of topics that are important to women and are relatable even if you find yourself in a different position to them.

So far they've talked about Health, Periods, Beauty, Motherhood, Mean Girls, Sex, Sleep and the general goings on in a Woman's World. In just a week these ladies have really helped me re-evaluate the way I view life situations and make me strive to work harder on being an even better person -whilst simultaneously making me see that it's perfectly okay and normal to mess up, you just gotta pick yourself back up.

When I say this took over my life for about two months, I'm really not exaggerating. May/June I spent all day watching Supernatural (post uni-life really threw my head in a spin) and then as soon as I stepped into the kitchen to make dinner, I hit play on a new episode of MFM and listened for a good few hours. 

After being relatively fascinated in murder cases for quite some time, I decided to give this a listen and learn about a number of tales and cases I've never heard of. Georgia Hardstark & Karen Kilgariff have been recording this podcast for three years now, they're lively, (mildly) crazy and enthusiastic West Coast American woman who protest to re-tell their favourite murder story of the week with the odd inaccuracy thrown in which always makes for a fun 'housekeeping' segment in the following episode.

If you're interested in true crime, murder, hearing the listeners hometown murders, and have a laugh along the tragic and morbid path of death, GH & KK have you well and truly covered. There's really no surprise that the show has gained such an incredible worldwide following and media acclaim.

Remember; Stay Sexy & Don't Get Murdered.

Another marvellous laundry/cooking podcast comes from British singer-songwriter, Jessie Ware, and her very charming mum, Lennie. The promise of talking about food is already a winner in my book, but throw a whole host of guests from actors, to musicians, to radio DJ's, even Sadiq Khan, and sheer hilarity between the hosts and their guests, into the mix, and you've nailed the podcast format.

Everything, and everyone, in Table Manners is so down-to-Earth, funny, intriguing and makes you feel like you're sat around the dinner table with everyone else. They talk desert island meals, food habits growing up and favourite dishes to cook, all whilst learning more about their guests.

It's the perfect background accompaniment whilst pottering around the house that you're guaranteed to enjoy.
What podcasts are you all enjoying? I'm definitely on the hunt for more to listen to no matter what the genre! And please let me know if you listen to any of these and what you think of them.

S xo
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