Tuesday 27 November 2018


After visiting Paris for the fifth time last year, and Barcelona for the second time this year, I've come to realise that there are so many cities, and countries, around the world that I'm itching to see but instead I find myself going back to my old favourites.

However, 2017 was a year of visiting new places, namely New York & Rome (also my first time in Italy full stop!) and I'm adding new places to my ultimate travel bucket list to remind me of where I still want to go (and maybe stop me from re-visiting places a tonne of times).

The world is full of incredible new places to feast your eyes upon, and my list is definitely more extensive than this (although not that much more just yet) but there's only so much ground I can cover in the next 5 years, right? Right?

I can't wait to revise this in the years to come and see just what I've been lucky enough to tick off! Let's hope a few are eliminated in 2019.

S xo

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