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Surprise surprise, I'm sporting a pair of denim jeans, again. In fact, it's no shocker that I'm in double denim because let's be honest, when am I not? Finding the right shades to pair together, or contrasting colours can be difficult but I'm now throwing caution to wind and wearing any old shades of blue together 'cause I wanna.
However, I'm stuck in such a style rut at the mo that everyday is spent quietly weeping into my overflowing wardrobes (yeah, plural) before pulling out a pair of jeans and rolling with whatever top is nearest to me. I've become that tragic.
I recently read a post by Megan Ellaby of Pages By Megan where she said she was currently in the same predicament, and well if she's feeling that way then I don't feel like such a fashion student failure.
I'm forever wanting to shake up my style, I've become the jeans-and-blouse kinda gal, and whilst I totally love wearing that combo, I'm so hopelessly bored of it, and absolutely over feeling like I've not really made an effort. Throwing myself out of my comfort zone is something I've been doing a lot lately in terms of what I've ordered online, the next step is pairing the items with something I wouldn't normally wear it with (ie; not jeans you absolute fiend).
I constantly look at my fave bloggers and thinking about how effortlessly they pull certain ensembles off and I think to myself 'why can't I do that?', and d'ya know what? I 100% can if I put my mind to it. Insert sassy lady emoji here.
So here's to new style ventures, stepping out of the safe zone and being happy with my wardrobe again. Chin chin and bottoms up.
Ps. How cute is his shirt I picked up at a kilo sale last year? And how photogenic is my lush Next box bag? It gives me all the Celine feels <3

Ps. How cute is his shirt I picked up at a kilo sale last year? And how photogenic is my lush Next box bag? It gives me all the Celine feels <3

S xo
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