Tuesday, 3 February 2015


It's become pretty apparent over the years that Alexa Chung is the biggest style icon of our generation. 

She's been quoted in various magazines, books, shows and other media platforms as a key icon for her stylings, looks and the way in which she pieces items together. There's simply no telling what we'll see her in next.

With the launch of her Alexa Chung x AG collaboration taking place less than 3 weeks ago, it seemed more than fitting to showcase some fashion images from her extensive repertoire.

To be quite honest, I've looked up to Alexa since I was a pre-teen, first obsessing over her when she co-hosted Popworld with the divine Alex Zane, it would appear that as I aged, she'd still be a role model and an idol. I've even spent he last 9 years wanting to change my name to Alexa. I'm not even embarrassed to admit that.

She pushes boundaries without being too overt or over the top, she's exciting and fresh and can work pretty much any look she tries. No many can have this said about them.

Not only is she one of the most talked about girls in the fashion industry, she's also a presenter, model, writer and described as a phenomenon by US Vogue Editor Anna Wintour. 

Her footwear is always intriguing too, one moment she'll be in her high-top Chucks, the next she'll be sporting lace up heels and nothing ever looks out of place. 

Plus, any girl who has a Mulberry bag named after her, well she must be pretty influential. And incredible.

I also dream about her AG collaboration denim button up skirt nightly.

She's a fashion gem, a woman that makes me proud to be British and incredible in everything she does.

We all salute you Ms Chung.

What do you think of my new TT header style?

SB xo
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  1. I may not be British but as an American I can truly say I appreciate this woman so much! My total icon really if i'm being honest.

    - Ajah

    1. That's wonderful to hear, she's such an inspiration!

      Sam xo

  2. Alexa can do no wrong! xx


  3. Everything Alexa Chung wears, I love too! All of the outfits you've shown here are gorgeous xx
    Elise @ Elise Dopson

    1. Thanks Elise! It's so hard to choose because everything is so incredible haha.

      Sam xo

  4. She manages to make anything work. like seriously if I wore a pair of dungarees with a shirt I'd look like an overgrown 2 year old haha!

    p.s love your header

    Jade x

    Girl Up North | UK Lifestyle Blog

    1. Haha I'm the same Jade! I really want some but I think I'd look even younger than I already do!

      Thank you :)

      Sam xo


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