Thursday, 29 January 2015


When I created my Christmas wishlist, without telling anyone, this Sophia Amoruso book was at the top of the list. Despite having never once clicked onto the Nasty Gal website, I'd seen the cover photographed a million times and thought 'hey, if such and such has that book then it must be good'. It seemed like a must have.

Before reading a book, I try to avoid having expectations, there's nothing worse than feeling let down. Needless to say #GIRLBOSSes, this book most certainly does not disappoint.
'Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself' - George Bernard Shaw

It did take me quite a while to read, simply because I wanted to soak up every word and phrase of the book, whether it be on the train, at work or in bed. It felt like something special was happening.

It's a book about growing up, feeling lost, and being different before finding your way and being a successful business woman. Sophia tells her readers how she transitioned from dumpster-diving-shoplifting-thrift-shopping misfit to a multi-millions-dollar-company-founder-and-CEO #GIRLBOSS.

She proved that starting off on eBay, selling vintage finds could ultimately turn into the $100+ million company that would change the fashion e-commerce world. 
'When you don't dress like anyone else, you don't  have to think like anyone else' - Iris Apfel

Sophia wrote in her book, 'Focus on the positive things in your life and you'll be shocked at home many positive things start happening. But before you start to think you just got lucky, remember that it's magic and you made it yourself '.

As a former pessimist, trust me I really was when I was younger, these words really hit me and pushed me to see things in a positive light, to change the way I view things and how I approach different times in my life.
'Confidence is more attractive than anything you could put on your body' - Sophia Amoruso

Parts of me can relate to Sophia and her story, okay so I didn't thieve or work crummy jobs or have a tough life, but I've felt alone, lost, unsure and like my life would never feel right again. It's horrible but it helps knowing someone else felt that way and made it through in the best way possible. 

Things this book has taught me:
♥ In order to love fashion, you don't have to follow the trends, you are your own trendsetter.
♥ It's okay to be, and to feel, different.
♥ Work hard
♥ Save save save. At least 10% of every month's paycheck.
♥ Don't act like someone, be someone.
I can honestly say  that I've never felt so inspired by a book in my life. It made me believe that anything is possible and I'm sure it had the same effect on many of those who read it.

It doesn't matter if you aren't interested in fashion, this isn't really the point of the book, the point is to show how a woman can be empowering, take control of her own life and be tremendously successful.

I think we should all aspire to be a #GIRLBOSS.

If you have read the book, what are your thoughts on it?

SB xo

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  1. Sam,
    I'm glad you read this! I have been thinking about reading it, but no one else I know has read it! I was glad to read your personal insights, as well. I'll report back when I eventually read it. :)

    x Kayla

    1. Oh really? Yes you definitely must read it Kayla, you'll love it!
      I think it's one of those books that will affect different people in different ays and have different impacts.

      Sam xo

  2. I've not read it but this book is on my wishlist (along with Sali Hughes - 2 totally different books, I know) I thought it would be a bit too feminist for me but from what you've said it actually sounds right up my street. *clicks onto amazon*...

    Jade x

    Girl Up North | UK Lifestyle Blog

    1. See I thought the same but felt I needed to read it because everyone spoke so highly of it.

      It's not so much about being a woman and proving yourself, it's showing what a woman can do if she puts her mind to it, most people tend to imagine a large company being founded or run by a man so it's nice to think that she did this on her own. It's empowering without harping on about 'I'm a woman, and I can do it better than he can'.

      Definitely worth a read, I'd love to know your thoughts on it, Jade :)

      Sam xo


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