Thursday, 1 January 2015


[ Images from Pinterest]

We're 21 hours into the new year and up until two hours ago, I still hadn't noted down my goals for the year. I'm evidently 2015 latecomer. 

I prefer setting yearly goals as opposed to resolutions, there's such a negative stigma around them and people see resolutions as something to inevitably be broken, goals are something we'd like to achieve but aren't deemed 'failures' if not done so.

This is something I've set myself for the past two years, I pin up a written list inside my wardrobe door and daily read it to see what i can achieve that day or week. It's motivating and produces a positive outcome. And with some many things I wish to do this year, I'm eager to start working on them, I've already spent part of the evening working and researching one.

Below are the 2015 goals. 

♥  Exercise more
♥  Eat healthier
Photograph and document everything
♥  Blog at least twice a week
♥  Drink more water
♥  Visit London & Paris
♥  Get matching tattoos with Laura
♥  Work hard towards University
♥  Cross off places on my Places to Visit list
♥  Bake more

There are many more goals that I will discover and achieve throughout the year, many obstacles to overcome and many memories to be made.

I think 2015 will be my year.

What goals have you set for yourself this year?

SB xo
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  1. Some good goals you can achieve this year hun, I still need to put together a list of mine! I'd love to loose all this weight I've gained and just embrace every opportunity :) Happy new year hun! x

    Hannah x | hannatalks

    1. They're strong goals to stick to, I'm sure you'll do brilliantly honey.
      Here's to another fun year!

      Happy new year Hanna! x

  2. I would absolutely love to visit London and Paris one day, Europe in general! Blogging once a week is a great goal as I am terrible at keeping up with my blogging once schools gets around :)

    Emily //

  3. Amen to the drinking more water and being positive!! I would like to visit Paris & also Florence in Italy, I think its good to keep some healthy little goals to push ourselves! :) Good luck with yours xx

    Emma Elizabeth


  4. I definitely agree that yearly goals are less negative! I always see people giving up too soon on strict resolutions! Bake more is also a solid goal that I love the sound of :')!


  5. I think making a list of goals is a great idea, I started this last year and ended up achieving 3/4 of mine so was pretty pleased! All the best in 2015 Sam

    Jegz xo


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