Friday 20 December 2013


Hi there! I'm Sam, a twenty year old British blogger who enjoys fashion, boybands, tea and Topshop. Oh and Instagram.

It sure has been a while since I last waded the rocky waters of Blogger, its been a good few years now and maybe that's why I'm ready to come back and start fresh. Maybe because back when, I had no clue what I was doing, how to customise a page or how to post, but thankfully Tumblr taught me more than just a few life lessons. Thanks.

So I'm back. After aimlessly wandering WordPress for the past couple of months (I tried to stay away form Blogger although it's super easy now) I have returned because it seems all my Tumblr style blog pals have made a nifty blog here.

WordPress and I had a good, yet short, run however I feel it's time for that Summer/Autumn romance to be left behind and I'm ready to embrace the winter with a new beau (one I can customise without spending a penny).

I originally wanted a strict style blog, no deviation or bows and frills. However, I think divulging a little about my life could work also, so expect to hear my tales of woe and general random happenings.

Also you will find my weekly feature called Trendsetter Tuesday (my old WP readers will know all about this) where I choose someone whose style I adore and dedicate a post to them and their beautiful outfits.
(Note: I will be reposting my old ones until I am up to date and then I will produce more posts.)

So if any of this tickles your fancy then go ahead and add me to your Blogger list. You can also find me on Bloglovin', Instagram, Tumblr and Twitter.

Stay amazing xox


  1. Hi Sam! I am in the same boat as you when it comes to Wordpress and Blogger etc, but I finally decided to make a blog using blogger and I realised it's actually not too hard to use :) Just took a bit of time to get used to!
    Look forward to seeing your future posts :)
    x Lani x

    1. Hi Lani!

      It's not too bad is it? I feel it looks a lot nicer too because of the lack of free customisation on WP.

      Look forward to seeing yours too :) xx


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