Friday, 26 April 2019


The past three years has flown by so quick and I can't believe in two months I'll be graduating and leaving Wales behind. Cardiff has been one heck of a city, one that I've both fallen in love with again, and also grown tired of even though it really is a little gem of a place (I think that more so university than the city though).

To celebrate my time here, and to have a little reminisce because hey, that's what I like to do from time to time, I'm going to share some of my favourite places in the city, hangouts, photography hotspots, places for a cracking cup of tea and cake, and all the exciting bits in between. Bear with me, this might go on for some time.

Yes there will be the odd tourist-y spot and a few more obvious ones, but that makes it all the more fun, right?

I might not have explored anywhere near the amount I should have been, but over the past week whilst I've been working with Buzz Magazine (the local go-to what's on mag) I've seen more places than I could have imagined and found some true little spots that I'm itching to return to, and I got to snap a tonne of pictures for the magazine so it doubled up as a winner for the old blog!

Not to mention the work I produced for my Final Major Project for uni which was a little nifty guide to some of the best spots in Cardiff. (You can find ARDENT here)

Watch this space for the series coming very soon.

Who knows where I'll visit and share next?

S xo

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