Friday, 4 August 2017


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Honey, I'm home! I'm so over taking extended breaks from my blog, but at the same time I'm struggling to find the words to write from post to post. It's fine, I'll get there, don't worry.

The past 8 weeks have been crazy busy with moving back home, sunning myself in Tenerife and my little job (which was amaze but I'm gonna give you the lowdown on that on my quarterly recap post coming soon), life hadn't slowed down until last week where I finally had a breather, and sleep. A LOT of sleep.

 So back to sunshine and tanning sesh's. I don't think I've ever needed a holiday as much as I needed one this year. With uni, certain financial stresses and life in general, my god did I need 2 weeks to forget the real world existed and to just lie under the sun with a très catchy playlist.

Whilst I'm still trying to finalise said playlist to share with y'all - because it's so damn good that I have to share - I do have some snaps to pass around. Tenerife is surprisingly gorgeous (to me at least), and whilst I've been there a few times, I was only small so I had the chance to see some parts with fresh eyes.

Me and my little travel buddy (that's mum to me) did our fair share of exploring, like walking for about 5 hours on 2 separate days, but mostly we relaxed, and in my case read about 7.5 books in 14 days. And for the nights we really couldn't be bothered finding a restaurant to eat in? Praise takeaway service and a peaceful balcony on a warm evening.

That little gem did take some outfit pictures for me though which I'm super happy about - how lush is that top?!

Now I'm off to continue planning out 5 days in Rome!
  Top - New Look  //  Skirt - Topshop (Similar)  //  Shoes - Topshop (Old)  //  Bag - Primark (Old)
S xo
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