Monday, 2 January 2017


After the many tragedies of 2016, it almost seems out of place for me to be thanking a year that many of us cursed, but I can't help feeling gratitude for a year that changed my life. Cliche? So what.

It can only be described as a 12-month personal rollercoaster, with moments that literally made me go whoa and the confidence boost that I've been seeking for as long as I can remember. I may not be at my confidence peak but it's nice to see it rise up the metaphorical meter. 

1. Gaining a place at uni
If that's not the most life changing thing (to me), then I really don't know what is. I can't believe it's been nearly a year since I received that offer email!

2. Moving to my favourite city
Cardiff has been my favourite city (okay, aside from Paris and London) since my first trip in 2009. I fell in love with the size of it, how friendly everyone is and how all round lovely Cardiff is. After being so desperate to move there, I finally did!

3. Starting university
Okay, so maybe this is the most life changing thing. Everything is going to well so far and I love it so much. Definitely well worth the 4 year wait.

4. Seeing my favourite musical for the first (and second time)
Les Misérables is my favourite musical everrrrrrr. After falling in love with it a few years back (soz, I was way late to the musical scene) I've become ridiculously obsessed with the 19th Century tale and my wonderful mum surprised me with tickets this August whilst we were in London. Yes, I cried for about half an hour after she put the tickets in my hand, and proceeded to cry for the whole entire even, right the way through the show. Naturally, I had to go back to see it for my birthday. GO AND SEE IT NOW!

5. Spending my birthday in London
This leads me on to my next point, spending my birthday in a bloody top city. I feel like I go to London so much these days (and I have another 2 trips there in the next 5 weeks) but I fall in love with it every time I'm there so it seemed the best option for a good birthday. I'm just sad my mum couldn't make it :(

6. Leaving my job
Saying goodbye to my job was a big step, after 4 years there and it being my first job, it was emotional leaving some people behind, but onwards and upwards!

7. Seeing Panic! at the Disco live three times
Last year I was lucky enough to see Panic! three times with mum (I STILL regret not doing to the Ally Pally shows in November but let's move on). After almost 10 years of seeing them live, I can say that they get better and better every time,

8. Falling in love with Star Trek
It's been about 3 or 4 years since I saw the 2009 reboot film, and whilst I thoroughly enjoyed it, it was only in 2016 that I became obsessed with the 50 year old franchise after watching Into Darkness on the train to London in the summer. Yes, I will be struck down for liking that film, it's the awkward middle child of a film that everyone ignores, but I personally like it. The franchise helped me through the most anxious summer as well as my big move, and I can't thank every character and actor, and of course Gene Roddenberry, enough for how it helped me.

9. Harry Potter Studio Tour
2016 was also the year I FINALLY went to Leavesden to walk around in awe for hours whilst finding out so much about the HP films. Don't even talk to me about the magical world of Dumbledore's office. Holy moly. And a tear or two shed at the Hogwarts model.

10. Heading to Newcastle to see Little Mix
How it's been nearly a year since I travelled to Newcastle is beyond me. From getting very drunk on Skittles to dancing like I'm in Little Mix at the show, all in all it was a top trip.
What were your 2016 highlights?

S xo
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  1. This is such a lovely post! I much prefer looking at the positives of last year too. Little Mix and Harry Potter are trips I dream of! I hope you have an awesome 2017 :)
    Steph x. Hello, Steph Blog

    1. Thank you so much Steph!

      We have to focus on any positives (if there were any) because so much sadness clouded the year.

      I hope you get to do trips for both, they're equally as amazing :)

      Hope your 2017 is everything you want it to be!

      Sam xo

  2. I think we can all agree 2016 wasn't the best year on record but I definitely think we should be concentrating on the positives. Nice to see that you had such a good year!

  3. You're so lucky to have went on the Hogwarts Tour! I've been wanting to visit for so long now.

    Roxie | The Beautiful Bluebird

  4. I love this outfit! You've had a fab year Sam!

    Rachael xo | Toddlers and Tantrums


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