Friday, 15 May 2015


With just over an hour until I flee the country for six glorious days to the city of love - and fashion - one hour (!), it felt like the perfect time to chat about my upcoming holiday, what I plan to see there and the items I'm taking with me.

My first thought of packing for Paris was; where the heck do I start?!
My outfits have to be on point, I need enough clothes and shoes, do I take 2 jackets?, what bag do I take that is versatile but can fit both of my cameras in? There are endless questions, oh and I'm sharing a suitcase. Choosing was so much harder than I ever thought it would be.

I've been to Paris three times so far, the first was to Disneyland in 2005, second to see My Chemical Romance in 2007 and the last was a more extended tourist trip in 2011.
I'm terribly excited to show off some of my new clothes (sadly Polyvore doesn't even have half of them!). Fingers crossed I'll be sharing some outfit based posts with you in the coming weeks.

Did I really need to bring 5 skirts and 3 dresses? Yes, yes I did.

This time, we're planning on seeing some of the main landmarks, whilst finding new areas to explore, exquisite cakes to sink our teeth into and sites to gawp and fawn over until the moment we leave. I possibly couldn't be more excited if I tried.
You can check out my Pinterest board below for a bunch of images related to my trip.

Not only am I off to Paris this year, July will see me being an ultimate, yet hip, tourist in London - that city never gets old - and in September I'll be sunning myself in the Turkish heat. I'm not doing too badly am I?

Also, I'm sorry for another Catch Me If You Can inspired post title. Actually, no I'm not.

Sorry guys but I have a flight to catch. Follow me on my social media pages for holiday updates!

SB xo
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1 comment

  1. I love all the things you've picked out here! Looks like you had a great time in Paris too <3 Gisforgingers xx


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